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PACDAC webinar

On 1 December, the NZ Public Advisory Committee on Disarmament & Arms Control held a webinar on the above subject.  The NZCGS Director, Dr. Kennedy Graham, who has been a member of the Committee (2019-21), gave the response to the introductory speech by the...

Reinventing Multilateral Order

A thoughtful and constructive article has been completed on Reinventing Multilateral Order by Sundeep Waslekar.  The author has previously contributed to the NZCGS blog column (Systemic Global Change: Two ingredients – mutual global trust, legitimate global...

COP26 – Climate Negotiations at Glasgow

NZCGS Board member and reputed business-environmental journalist, Rod Oram, has been attending COP26 in Glasgow these past few weeks, and regularly reporting back through Newsroom. Here are his reports. 14 November       COP26’s inadequate package could still lead to...

Myanmar pleads for the world to honour R2P

This is not a blog I had expected, intended or wanted to write. I have politely declined requests to write on the Responsibility to Protect (R2P) in relation to the current crisis in Myanmar and the climbing civilian death toll. The turning point was visuals of...

New United States Leadership

In his address to the Munich security conference (his first international speech as president), President Biden told European leaders the US wants to “earn back our position of trusted leadership.” In a clean break from the isolationist policies of his predecessor,...

Military Cooperation

On 22nd January, 2021, the TPNW came into force with the requisite fifty nations having ratified the treaty. Since then, several others, including Cambodia and Philippines have joined. The background has been dealt with at some length in my recent article. The key...

Trump’s Exit

Trump’s Exit

What might future historians note as the epoch-making aspects of Donald Trump’s exit? Perhaps it will include something that is attracting less academic attention at present - social media companies closing down Trump’s accounts. Twitter and later Snapchat permanently...

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