Annual Lectures
The Centre holds an annual Global Affairs lecture — in pre-COVID times a physical meeting on Waiheke Island, and since 2020 by Zoom webinar.
The 8th Annual Lecture, scheduled for December 2021, can be found on the Events page.
Lectures 1 to 7 can be found here.

7th NZCGS Global Affairs Lecture: 2020
The seventh NZCGS Global Affairs Lecture was held on the 31st of October 2020 virtually via Zoom; and at the Holy Trinity Cathedral in Parnell, Auckland.
Prof Azza Karam was the keynote speaker, her speech was titled ‘We the Peoples, Religions for Peace and the United Nations’. The event was co-hosted by the Holy Trinity Cathedral.
A video stream of the event can be accessed through this link:

6th NZCGS Global Affairs Lecture: 2020
The sixth NZCGS Global Affairs Lecture was held on the 5th of August 2020 virtually via Zoom to a global audience.
Prof Augusto Lopez-Claros was the keynote speaker, his well-received speech was titled ‘Global Institutions for the 21st Century’.
The event was co-hosted by the New Zealand Centre for Public Law.

5th NZCGS Global Affairs Lecture: 2018
The fifth NZCGS Global Affairs Lecture was held on the 7th of April 2018 at the University of Auckland.
Prof Johan Rockström was the keynote speaker, his speech was titled ‘The Planetary Boundaries: Implications for Global Governance in the 21st Century’.
The event was co-hosted by the Hillary Institute and the New Zealand Centre for Environmental Law.
A video stream of the event can be accessed here (note; the sound appears to be poor!).

4th Waiheke Global Affairs Lecture: 2017
The fourth Waiheke Global Affairs Lecture was held on the 4th of November 2017.
The Hon. Gareth Evans’, was the keynote speaker, with Assoc. Professor Treasa Dunworth as responder.
The keynote speech was titled ‘The Nuclear Weapons Prohibition Treaty: Prelude to a Nuclear Free World?’.
Audio – Hon. Gareth Evans:
Audio – Assoc. Prof Treasa Dunworth:

3rd Waiheke Global Affairs Lecture: 2016
The third Waiheke Global Affairs Lecture was held on the 7th of May 2016.
The Rt. Hon. Sir Geoffrey Palmer, QC, was the keynote speaker, with Professor Graham Hassall as responder.
The keynote speech was titled ‘Global Society and the Challenges of Governance’.
Sir J Palmer’s address May 7
Keynote Paper
Listen to the Lecture: Audio

2nd Waiheke Global Affairs Lecture: 2015
The second Lecture was given on 29 March 2015. Prof Ramesh Thakur, of the Australian National University, was the keynote speaker.
His subject was: Global Governance and the UN Security Council: fit for purpose?
The respondent was the ambassador of Finland, HE Pasi Patakallio.

1st Waiheke Global Affairs Lecture: 2014
The first Waiheke Global Affairs Lecture was held on 17 May 2014. Prof Klaus Bosselmann, of the University of Auckland, was the keynote speaker, with Rod Oram as responder.
The keynote speech was titled ‘Planetary Boundaries: concept and implications for global governance’.