Reinventing Multilateral Order

A thoughtful and constructive article has been completed on Reinventing Multilateral Order by Sundeep Waslekar.  The author has previously contributed to the NZCGS blog column (Systemic Global Change: Two ingredients – mutual global trust, legitimate global governance, 8 May 2020). The article, published by New England Journal of Public Policy, can be found here:

Author: Sundeep Waslekar

Dr Sundeep Waslekar is President of Strategic Foresight Group, an international think-tank that has worked with governments of 65 countries. He is also a Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for the Resolution of Intractable Conflicts at Oxford University.

November 28, 2021

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1 Comment

  1. Chris Gallavin

    Brutal in its clarity, driving in its call for the creation of alternatives. Delighted we can promote this on our site Sundeep – Chris Gallavin (Chair of the Board, NZCGS).


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