International Law Internship Opportunity

International Law Internship Opportunity

by | Jul 8, 2024 | Director

International Law Internship Opportunity with the New Zealand Centre for Global Studies

International People’s Tribunal for the Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

On 6 and 9 August 1945, the United States dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki killing between 129 000 and 226 000 people immediately and injuring 100 000 others. In the years since 1945, hundreds of thousands of people in subsequent generations have been affected by cancer and other health issues caused by the radiation from the bombings.

The United States has never been held to account for the bombings. It has not apologised or provided compensation to those affected by it.

In 2026, an International People’s Tribunal is due to be held in New York to seek justice for the victims of the atomic bombings. International People’s Tribunals are non-government tribunals set up by citizens, civil society, lawyers, judges and academics to address breaches of international law when government or international organisations have failed to provide any form of accountability.

The New Zealand Centre for Global Studies is assisting with preparations for the International People’s Tribunal in 2026 by providing pro bono advice on the key international legal issues at the heart of the Tribunal. Its advice will form the basis of the legal briefs and arguments that are delivered in New York in 2026.

The New Zealand Centre for Global Studies is seeking two interns to assist with legal advice for an International People’s Tribunal for the Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

It is anticipated that the internship will run from 29 July to 25 October although exact dates are negotiable. Please note that this is a non-paid internship.

The successful candidate will work closely with Associate Professor Anna Hood of Auckland University’s School of Law.

For more information on how to apply, please email the Centre Director, Dr Chris Gallavin at

Applications close 5pm, Friday 19 July 2024

Author: Prof Chris Gallavin

Prof Chris Gallavin is Deputy Pro-Vice Chancellor at Massey University, and a member of the Centre’s Board.

July 8, 2024

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