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International aggression as a domestic crime
Earlier this month, the Director of the Centre lodged a submission to the NZ Parliament on the International Crimes and International Criminal Court Amendment Bill. The Bill proposes amendments to NZ legislation to incorporate certain international amendments made in...
Understanding Nuclear Disarmament
Following the drafting of the Civil Society Youth Pledge at the Hui in September, and while contemplating what is to follow, Jayden van Leeuwen (YGSG) and I locked in on two key elements of the pledge. The first was the Treaty's Article 12 obligation to take the...
The University in the Global Age: Pt II
In Pt I of my blog-column (6 Dec. ’19), I identified what I see as the main challenges facing tertiary education, globally. These challenges, I suggest, have led many universities to an existential crisis as it dawns upon them that, for most, the traditional model of...
Can Nuclear Disarmament Strengthen Global Security?
Ten years ago, the US President reaffirmed in a major international speech that the United States sought ‘the peace and security of a world without nuclear weapons’. Despite the vision, Obama didn’t say why he thought a nuclear-weapon-free world would be peaceful and...
Towards a Theory of Everything: Pt III. Development
Part II identified, in developing a ‘global theory’ for the 21st century, the following components: primary features, global values, citizenship, law and governance; foundational concepts of consilience and coherence, along with operational concepts of risk management...
Towards a Theory of Everything: Part II.
In Part I of the above, I explored the methodological differences between the various branches of human knowledge, the idea of consilience for an underlying unity of knowledge, and what a synthesis derived from this might mean for global studies. In this second part,...
Towards a Theory of Everything: Pt I. Conceptualisation
We have entered an era of human crisis. What we think and do in the future will inevitably build on, but cannot be confined to, the past. The Centre’s Trust Deed (2012) requires it to “encourage and facilitate informed interdisciplinary research into global affairs...
Protecting the Multilateral Order:
As we approach the end of 2019, it seems that many assumptions about the robustness of multilateralism, which has underpinned New Zealand’s foreign and trade policy over the past 75 years, are under threat. It is therefore timely, and very encouraging, to see MFAT...
Big Data & Privacy:
In 2018 Cambridge Analytica harvested millions of Facebook profiles, including 64,000 New Zealanders for political campaign purposes, using the information without consent. The scandal illustrated how big data can put the right to privacy at risk. This may have...
A Parliamentary Eye on the Future
How do we keep a parliamentary eye on the future when the planet is in crisis mode and policy responses are so urgently needed?
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