Ellen Dixon
Ellen Dixon is a member of the Education2030 High-Level Steering Committee hosted by UNESCO, and the UNESCO Global Education Monitoring Report Advisory Board. She has also held advisory roles to UNESCO IESALC, UNESCO Bangkok, and ActionAid International. Ellen also played a significant role in the creation of regional events such as the 6th Asia-Pacific Meeting on Education 2030, the inaugural International Day of Digital Learning, and the inaugural Conference of Pacific Education Ministers.
Ellen has held domestic appointments for the New Zealand Minister of Education through the Ministry of Education, the Board of Commissioners for the Tertiary Education Commission, and for the New Zealand Vice-Chancellors’ Committee. She has held management roles for domestic and global NGOs, specifically in relation to human rights and education.
Ellen is a Massey Scholar and a Doctoral Scholar. She holds a first-class Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics from Massey University, and a first-class Master of International Relations and Diplomacy. She is currently pursuing her PhD in Critical Theory, Art and Philosophy.